Alumni Bookshelf

Guardians of Discourse: Journalism and Literature in Porfirian Mexico
University of Nebraska Press, 2024

Resisting Invisibility: Detecting the Female Body in Spanish Crime Fiction
University of Toronto Press, 2019

A Sociological Approach to Poetry Translation: Modern European Poet-Translators
Routledge, 2018

The Necropolitical Theater: Race and Immigration on the Contemporary Spanish Stage
Northwestern University Press, 2020

Francisco Ayala en Chicago. Acercamiento oral y escrito
Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2017

Francisco Ayala en Chicago. Acercamiento oral y escrito
Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2017

Faraway Settings: Spanish and Chinese Theaters of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2019

Giuliana Minghelli
Stillness in Motion: Italy, Photography, and the Meanings of Modernity
University of Toronto Press, 2014

Giovan Francesco Straparola
Giovan Francesco Straparola: The Pleasant Nights
The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 2015

Fairy-Tale Science: Monstrous Generation in the Tales of Straparola and Basile
University of Toronto Press, 2008

Christopher B. Weimer
"Los cielos se agotaron de prodigios": Essays in Honor of Frederick A. de Armas
Juan de la Cuesta, 2018

Textual Masculinity and the Exchange of Women in Renaissance Venice
University of Toronto Press, 2015

Performing Bodies: Female Illness in Italian Literature and Cinema (1860–1920)
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017

The Future of Italian Teaching: Media, New Technologies and Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015

Arcangela Tarabotti
Convent Paradise
Iter Press and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2020

Margherita Sarrocchi
Margherita Sarrocchi's Letters to Galileo: Astronomy, Astrology, and Poetics in Seventeenth-Century Italy
Palgrave, 2016

Daughters of Alchemy: Women and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy
Harvard University Press, 2015

Digitizing Enlightenment: Digital Humanities and the Transformation of Eighteenth-Century Studies
Liverpool University Press, 2020

The Passion of Charles Péguy: Literature, Modernity, and the Crisis of Historicism
Oxford University Press, 2014

Médiévisme et Lumières: le Moyen Âge dans la 'Bibliothèque universelle des romans'
Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford, 2013

Elisa Segnini
Gabriele D’Annunzio and World Literature: Multilingualism, Translation, Reception
Edinburgh University Press, 2023

Carlo Di Lieto, Lisa Sarti
Scrittura d'immagini. Pirandello e la visualità tra arte, filosofia e psicoanalisi
Rubbettino Editore, 2021

Modernist Idealism: Ambivalent Legacies of German Philosophy in Italian Literature
University of Toronto Press, 2021

Christopher B. Weimer
"Los cielos se agotaron de prodigios": Essays in Honor of Frederick A. de Armas
Juan de la Cuesta, 2018

Arcangela Tarabotti
Convent Paradise
Iter Press and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2020

Sarra Copia Sulam: A Jewish Salonnière and the Press in Counter-Reformation Venice
University of Toronto Press, 2019

Diana Robin, Ippolita Maria Sforza
Ippolita Maria Sforza: Duchess and Hostage in Renaissance Naples: Letters and Orations
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 2017

Christopher B. Weimer
"Los cielos se agotaron de prodigios": Essays in Honor of Frederick A. de Armas
Juan de la Cuesta, 2018