Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies

Undergraduate Programs

The major and minor programs in Catalan, Portuguese, and Spanish prepare students to succeed in a multilingual and multicultural world. Students will be provided with the knowledge and critical skills necessary to understand and engage with the vastly diverse societies and cultural histories of Iberia and Latin America, while also learning how to read and analyze texts with rigor and insight, write carefully and with well-supported arguments, and refine their written and oral expression.

Undergraduate Advisers  
Basque, Catalan, Portuguese and Spanish Miguel Martínez

Interdisciplinary Study

Students may choose from a wide range of courses in Iberian and Latin American literatures and cultures, including courses on Basque and Catalan literatures, and courses taught by visiting faculty from abroad. Some of our students concentrate on more than one romance language, in several adaptable combinations. Our students are often double majors who bring to the classroom a multiplicity of perspectives that enrich our interdisciplinary approach to the study of language, literature, and culture. Moreover, many of our majors and minors take cross-listed courses that focus cinema and media studies, art history, Latino studies, music, and Latin American history, among others. For information on majoring in more than one Romance language, see the College Catalog.


Major in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture

The major in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture consists of ten courses beyond SPAN 20300 Language, History, and Culture III, and is aimed at developing an academic command of the language as well as a broad knowledge of the field of Spanish and Spanish-American literatures and cultures through the close study of major works and the critical techniques appropriate to their interpretation.


Major in Latin American and Iberian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

The major in Latin American and Iberian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures consists of ten courses beyond intermediate-level language, and is aimed at developing an academic command of at least two Iberian and/or Latin American languages as well as a broad knowledge of the field through the close study of major works and the critical techniques appropriate for their interpretation.

Students who elect one of the two majors must meet with the HLBS undergraduate adviser before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year to declare their intention to complete the major. Students choose courses in consultation with the HLBS adviser. Students must submit to the departmental office an approval form for the major program signed by the appropriate HLBS adviser. Students must then submit a copy of the signed approval form to their College adviser.


Minor in Catalan, Portuguese or Spanish


The minor in Catalan requires a total of six courses beyond the second-year language sequence. One or two courses must be advanced language courses (CATA 21100 Llengua, societat i cultura I or CATA 21200 Llengua, societat i cultura II). The balance must consist of four to five literature and culture courses.


The minor in Portuguese requires a total of six courses beyond the second-year language sequence (20100-20200). One or two courses must be advanced language courses (above 20200). The balance must consist of four to five literature and culture courses.


The minor in Spanish requires a total of six courses beyond the second-year language sequence (20100-20300). One or two courses must be advanced language courses (above 20300). The balance must consist of four to five literature and culture courses, including at least two in the survey sequence.

Students who elect the minor program in Catalan, Portuguese or Spanish must meet with the HLBS undergraduate adviser before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year to declare their intention to complete the minor. Students choose courses in consultation with the HLBS adviser. Students must submit to the departmental office an approval form for the minor program signed by the appropriate HLBS adviser. Students must then submit a copy of the signed approval form to their College adviser.


Study Abroad

We strongly encourage our students to study abroad, both to improve their language proficiencies, and to gain invaluable cultural experience in a foreign country. The College offers civilization programs in both Oaxaca and Barcelona. The latter also offers courses in the Spring entirely conducted in Spanish that can be counted towards the Spanish major and minor degrees. Language learners can also take the intermediate sequence of Spanish in our Autumn quarter Intensive Language Toledo program), and the College’s direct enrollment program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (CUC), in Santiago, Chile, affords qualified Chicago students an opportunity to study at one of the strongest and most respected universities in Latin America.