Frederick de Armas

Robert O. Anderson Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Romance Languages and Literatures, Comparative Literature, and the College
773.955.5103 or 773.419.1109
PhD, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1969

Frederick A. de Armas is a literary scholar, critic and novelist whose scholarly work focuses on the literature of the Spanish Golden Age (Cervantes, Calderón, Claramonte, Lope de Vega), often from a comparative perspective. His interests include the politics of astrology; magic and the Hermetic tradition; ekphrasis; the relations between the verbal and the visual particularly between Spanish literature and Italian art; and the interconnections between myth and empire during the rule of the Habsburgs.

His books and edited collections include: The Invisible Mistress: Aspects of Feminism and Fantasy in the Golden AgeThReturn of Astraea: An Astral-Imperial Myth in CalderónThe Prince in the Tower: Perceptions of "La vida es sueño"Heavenly Bodies: The Realms of "La Estrella de Sevilla"A Star-Crossed Golden Age: Myth and the Spanish ComediaCervantes, Raphael and the Classics (1998); European Literary Careers: The Author from Antiquity to the Renaissance (2002); Writing for the Eyes in the Spanish Golden Age (2004); Ekphrasis in the Age of Cervantes (2005); Quixotic Frescoes: Cervantes and Italian Renaissance Art (2006); Hacia la tragedia áurea: lecturas para un nuevo milenio (2008); Ovid in the Age of Cervantes (2010); Calderon: del manuscrito a la escena (2011); Don Quixote Among the Saracens: A Clash of Civilizations and Literary Genres (2011); Objects of Culture in the Literature of Imperial Spain (2013); an edition of Cervantes’ La fuerza de la sangre (2013); Qué nuevas sonoras aves: ensayos sobre Calderón de la Barca (2015); El retorno de Astrea: astrología, mito e imperio em Calderón (2016); Las memorias de un honrado aguador: Ámbitos de estudio en torno a la difusión de Lazarillo de Tormes (2017); Autoridad y poder en el teatro del Siglo de Oro: estrategias y conflictos (2017); La astrología en el teatro clásico europeo (Siglos XVI y XVII); Women Warriors in Early Modern Spain (2018); Faraway Settings: Spanish and Chinese Theaters in the 16th and 17th Centuries (2019); The Gastronomical Arts in Spain: Food and Etiquette (2022); Cervantes’ Architectures: The Dangers Outside (2022); and Bodies beyond Labels: Finding Joy in the Shadows of Imperial Spain (2024).

He also writes fiction. His first novel, El abra del Yumuri (Madrid: Verbum, 2016) deals with Cuba before Castro. A presentation of the novel and interview with Professor de Armas can be found here. His second novel Sinfonia Salvaje (2019) deals with Cuba in 1959. He is now working on a third, dealing with Cuba in 1960. He has also co-edited a collection of short-stories, Doce cuentos ejemplares y otros documentos cervantinos (2016).     

Awards, Honors, and Professional Experience

  • Norman Maclean Faculty Award (2023)
  • Doctorate honoris causa, Université de Neuchatel (2018)
  • PROSE Award in Literature, Honourable Mention, for Don Quixote among the Saracens: A Clash of Civilizations and Literary Genres published by University of Toronto Press (American Publishers Association, 2012)
  • Co-Editor, Iberica Series, University of Toronto Press (2011- )
  • Faculty Graduate Teaching Award (Chicago, 2007)
  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowships (1985, 1995, 2004)
  • Director, NEH Summer Seminar for College and University Faculty "Recapturing the Renaissance: Cervantes and Italian Renaissance Art" (Chicago, 2003)
  • Director, NEH Summer Institute for College and University Faculty "A Star-Crossed Golden Age: Myth and the Spanish Comedia" (Pennsylvania 1994)
  • President, Cervantes Society of America (2007-10)
  • Corresponding Member, Hispanic Society of America
  • Co-Founder and Co-Editor, Penn State Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures (1990-2000)
  • Has taught at Louisiana State University, the University of Missouri (Visiting Professor), Duke University (Visiting Professor) and Pennsylvania State University (Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature)
  • President, AISO Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (2014-2017)
Recent Courses in RLL
  • SPAN 21703 Introducción a las literaturas hispánicas: textos españoles clásicos (Winter 2018, Autumn 2018, Winter 2019, Autumn 2020)
  • SPAN 21705 Iberian Literatures and Cultures: Medieval and Early Modern (Autumn 2023)
  • SPAN 23201/33201 Myth, Art and Ekphrasis in Early Modern Spanish Theater (Autumn 2018)
  • SPAN 24202/34202 Don Quixote (Winter 2019, Spring 2022)
  • SPAN 33900 El teatro en la corte de Felipe IV (Winter 2021, Winter 2024)
  • SPAN 34200 Cervantes' Novelas ejemplares and the mysteries of narrative (Winter 2018, Autumn 2022)


Affiliated Departments and Centers: Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Comparative Literature