Teaching Fellow in the Humanities
Gates-Blake 219
Office Hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
PhD, University of Chicago, 2024
Research Interests:
Early modern Hispanic literature and culture, surveillance studies, urbanism, art history, classical philosophy and literature
Matias A. Spector received his PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of Chicago in 2024. His dissertation examined the interaction between literature and surveillance mechanisms in early modern Spanish cities. His research interests further include the relationship between literary works, crime, and the law and the reception of classical literature and philosophy.
Selected Publications
- 2024: “Cervantes y los servicios de inteligencia: Espías e informantes en La gitanilla”. [Cervantes and the Intelligence Services: Spies and Informants in La gitanilla”.] Neophilologus, 108, pp. 197-212. DOI: 10.1007/s11061-024-09799-8
- 2021: “El mito de Argos y la problemática de los sentidos: la crisis de la vigilancia monárquica en La quinta de Florencia de Lope de Vega” [The Myth of Argus and the Problem of the Senses: Monarchic Surveillance Crisis in La quinta de Florencia by Lope de Vega], Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 98:5, pp. 681-705. DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2021.1929674
Recent Courses in RLL
- SPAN 10300 Beginning Elementary Spanish III (Spring 2021)
- SPAN 20100 Language, History, and Culture I (Fall 2021)
- SPAN 22723/LACS 22723 Censorship: A View from Literature (Winter 2023)
- SPAN 23425 Crime Fiction (17th-20th century) (Winter 2025)
Subject Area:
Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies