Renaissance Demonology

ITAL ITAL 26500 Renaissance Demonology

HIST 22110, RLST 26501, CMLT 27602, GNSE 26504

In this course we analyze the complex concept of demonology according to early modern European culture from a theological, historical, philosophical, and literary point of view. The term ‘demon’ in the Renaissance encompasses a vast variety of meanings. Demons are hybrids. They are both the Christian devils, but also synonyms for classical deities, and Neo-platonic spiritual beings. As far as Christian theology is concerned, we read selections from Augustine’s and Thomas Aquinas’s treatises, some complex exorcisms written in Italy, and a new recent translation of the infamous Malleus maleficarum, the most important treatise on witch-hunt.  We pay close attention to the historical evolution of the so-called witch-craze in Europe through a selection of the best secondary literature on this subject, with special emphasis on Michel de Certeau’s The Possession at Loudun. We also study how major Italian and Spanish women mystics, such as Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi and Teresa of Avila, approach the issue of demonic temptation and possession. As far as Renaissance Neoplatonic philosophy is concerned, we read selections from Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology and Girolamo Cardano’s mesmerizing autobiography. We also investigate the connection between demonology and melancholy through a close reading of the initial section of Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy and Cervantes’s short story The Glass Graduate (El licenciado Vidriera).


Course taught in English.

2018-2019 Winter