Caterina Nicodemo
Wieboldt 225
Office Hours: Monday 11:30-1:30 p.m. (via Zoom) and by appointment
Subject Area: Italian Studies

Caterina holds a B.A. in Italian Literature from the Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis about the commentary on the canzone Donna me prega composed by the Florentine academician Paolo Del Rosso. She carried out a diplomatic transcript and a critical philological study of the commentary, bringing to attention a text transmitted from a single edition of 1568. 

She earned an M.A. in Italian Literature from the Sapienza University of Rome with a dissertation on the debate regarding the gnoseological value of literature, a debate reconstructed from Plato and Aristotle to Petrarch and Boccaccio. 

Caterina’s research interests focus on the early Italian lyric, Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. Related interests include: manuscript culture, the reception of classical sources in medieval culture, the connections between philosophical and literary culture, and the representation of contingency in Boccaccio’s novella.