Bel Olid

Assistant Instructional Professor in Catalan and Spanish
Gates-Blake 228
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. and by appointment.
PhD candidate in Language Pedagogy, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB; Master's Degree in Research in Language, Literature, and Social Sciences Didactics, UAB, 2012
Research Interests: Gender and queer studies, non-binary language, children’s literature

Language and Literature professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for fourteen years, they have also been very active as a translator into Catalan and, to a lesser extent, into Spanish, mainly of feminist literature and children's books, from German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.


They became known as an author in 2010 when they received the Documenta Prize for their novel Una terra solitària and the Rovelló Essay Prize for their study Les heroïnes contrataquen. Models literaris contra l'universal masculí a la literatura infantil i juvenil. Two years later they received the Roc Boronat Prize for La mala reputació, a collection of short stories which was very well received by readers and critics alike. In 2016 they published another short stories collection, Vents més salvatges, now translated into English by Laura Mcgloughlin as Wilder Winds (Fum d’Estampa Press). In 2016 they also published the picture book Gegantíssima and they were awarded the Apel·les Mestres Prize for Viure amb la Hilda (i els seus inconvenients). In Vides aturades (2017) they portray the testimony of people seeking refuge in Europe. In Feminisme de butxaca, kit de supervivència (2017), which has now reached its ninth edition, they reflect on gender discrimination in our society. In 2018 they published their first book of poems, in a bilingual edition Catalan-Spanish: Ferida, udol, viatge, illa, in 2019 Follem? De què (no) parlem quan parlem de sexualitats, and in 2020 A contrapel: O per què trencar el cercle de depilació, submisió i autoodi, now translated into English by Laura Mcgloughlin as Hairless (Polity Books). Their work has been translated into English, Spanish, Polish, Lithuanian, Italian, Galician, Portuguese or Quechuan, among other languages.


Bel Olid regularly collaborates in many branches of the Catalan cultural media and written press. They were president of CEATL (European Council of Literary Translators' Associations, 2013-2015), and, from March 2015 to March 2022, president of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).


Selected publications

Hairless (Polity Books, 2022)  (

Wilder Winds (Fum d’Estampa Press, 2022) (

Recent Courses in RLL
  • CATA 12200 Catalan for Speakers of Romance Languages (Spring 2023)
  • CATA 21600/SPAN 21610 Catalan Culture and Society: Art, Music, and Cinema (Spring 2023, Spring 2025)
  • CATA/SPAN 21950 "Dark Stairways of Desire": Lusting beyond the Norm in Contemporary Catalan Literature (Winter 2023, Winter 2025)
  • CATA 21301 Llengua, Societat i Cultura III (Autumn 2022)
  • CATA 23500 and SPAN 23501 Alone in the Mountains: Tales of Freedom and Violence in Contemporary Catalan Literature (Autumn 2023, Autumn 2024)
  • SPAN 10200 Beginning Elementary Spanish II (Autumn 2022, Winter 2023)
  • SPAN 22770 “Que otros sean lo Normal”: Pertinencia y otredad en la literatura trans en español (Autumn 2023)